Success In English Interview 또는 숲속 재봉사의 옷장
2024-12-19 07:52
Success In English Interview

도서명 : Success In English Interview
저자/출판사 : SORA LEE, 새로미
쪽수 : 210쪽
출판일 : 2024-02-20
ISBN : 9788964768303
정가 : 18000
CHAPTER 01 Cabin Crew Interviews at Foreign Airlines
01. 항공 산업의 채용 트렌드와 기회
02. 세계적인 항공사가 선호하는 승무원의 필수 역량
03. 외국 항공사의 그루밍 표준:전문성과 이미지 유지를 위한 기준
04. 자신을 표현하는 성공적인 면접 스타일
CHAPTER 02 English Portfolio Excellence
01. 성공적인 영문 포트폴리오 준비
02. 효과적인 영문이력서(CV) 구성
03. 효과적인 커버 레터(Cover Letter) 구성
CHAPTER 03 Virtual Interview Process
01. 효과적인 가상면접 전략(Verbal Communication)
02. 효과적인 비언어 의사소통(Nonverbal Communication)
03. A Guide to Reading In-flight Announcements
CHAPTER 04 Small Talk
01. Weather
02. Personal Information
03. Hobbies and Interests
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 05 Personal Background
01. Tell me about your family
02. Tell us about your hometown
03. How do your parents feel about your career choice?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 06 Self-Awareness
01. What are your strengths?
02. What are your weaknesses?
03. Tell me about the smartest person you know personally and why?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 07 Relational Proficiency
01. How do your friends and co-workers describe you?
02. Tell me 3 things about your personality
03. How would you describe your personality?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 08 Work Proactivity
01. Are you a leader or follower?
02. What makes you a stand-out candidate for this role?
03. What is your biggest achievement?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 09 Team Collaboration
01. How do you get along with your people?
02. How do you feel about working on a team?
03. How well do you work with others?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 10 Adaptability and Change Management
01. How do you handle change?
02. Are you good at dealing with change?
03. How do you adapt to daily challenges and new cultures at work?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 11 Global Awareness
01. Have you ever been abroad?
02. Would you recommend for your foreign friends who are visiting Korea?
03. Have you felt any cultural differences?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 12 Motivation and Career Goals
01. What color motivates you?
02. What work situations excite and motivate you the most?
03. Is this your dream job?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 13 Customer Focus
01. What is your definition of customer service?
02. What is the best service for you?
03. What makes you extraordinary in customer service?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 14 Career Aspirations
01. Why do you want to be cabin crew?
02. Why do you want to join our company?
03. If you are successful in becoming cabin crew with our company, how do you think you will cope with the change in lifestyle?
04. Workbook
CHAPTER 15 Exploring Global Opportunities
01. Middle East Foreign Airlines
02. Asian Foreign Airlines
03. Global Hospitality Careers
숲속 재봉사의 옷장

도서명 : 숲속 재봉사의 옷장
저자/출판사 : 최향랑 글/그림, 창비
쪽수 : 52쪽
출판일 : 2024-04-05
ISBN : 9788936429188
정가 : 16000
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