SIJO 또는 2022 경제학 문제로 끝내기 > NEW도서

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SIJO 또는 2022 경제학 문제로 끝내기

2024-01-25 08:44 578 0



도서명 : SIJO
저자/출판사 : Lucy,Park,Elizabeth,Jorgensen, 박영사
쪽수 : 274쪽
출판일 : 2022-02-20
ISBN : 9791130314099
정가 : 16000

1 The Sijo and Performance David McCann 3
2 Korean Sijo, Chinese Jueju, and Japanese Haiku Mark Peterson 15
3 Sijo in the USA Lucy Park 25
4 Contemporary Sijo Poets in Korea and North America Lucy Park 33
5 Sijo Written in Other Languages Lucy Park 63
6 Sijo and Music Lucy Park 77
7 Cultural Dimension in Sijo Translation and Variations of Sijo Format Seong-Kon Kim 93
8 Sijo Makes You Smarter Linda Sue Park 101


Sijo Lesson Plans

1 Sijo in an American Classroom: Writing, Editing, Working Virtually and In-Person Elizabeth Jorgensen 111
2 Sijo Lesson Plan for Elementary School Students Elizabeth Jorgensen 141
3 Sijo: Why Teaching Korean Poetry Matters in a History Class Deborah Holland 147
4 Reading and Writing Sijo Tracy Kaminer 155
5 Writing Haiku and Sijo: Two East Asian Poetry Forms Chuck Newell 165
6 Sijo Teaching Guide for Children Seo Kwan-ho (Adapted by Lucy Park) 171


My Favorite Sijo
Drawings by Wonsook Kim

1 Dreams on a Lake Michael Chung (2008) David McCann 189
2 Untitled Creasy Clauser (2009) David McCann 191
3 Secret Song Taylor Edwards (2009) David McCann 193
4 Sijo Sijo Alex Griffin (2011) Molly Gaudry 195
5 I Have Heard Hollister Rhone (2012) Emily Yoon 197
6 Still American Roberto Santos (2013) Mary Connor and Elgin-Bokari T. Smith 200
7 Untitled Hapshiba Kwon (2014) Lee Herrick and Ivanna Yi 203
8 Overcoming the Limitations Zion Kim (2015) Joonok Huh 206
9 Emma Austin Snell (2016) Mark Peterson 210
10 The Sanctuary Bella Dalton-Fenkl (2016) Lucy Park 213
11 Back in New Orleans Dante Kirkman (2016) Lucy Park 215
12 Untitled Clint Gersabeck (2017) Chuck Newell 218
13 Untitled Aidan Boyle (2017) Deb Holland 220
14 Season That Never Comes Bryce Toussaint (2018) Elizabeth Jorgensen 222
15 Belated Breakfast Toni Smith (2018) Elizabeth Jorgensen 225
16 Abandoned Lily Daniels (2019) David Krolikoski 227
17 A Kisaeng’s Sijo Hye In Lee (2019) Elizabeth Jorgensen 230
18 Lost Letters Andy Zhao (2020) Mark Peterson 234
19 Untitled Alice Davidson (2020) Mark Peterson 236
20 Social Distancing Julie Shute (2020) Nick Chiarkas 238
21 Coming home Trace Morrissey (2020) Seong-Kon Kim 240
22 In Middle School Esther Kim (2020) Seong-Kon Kim 243
23 but today, I hear Hannah Kim (2020) Robert Yune and Christine Hyung-Oak Lee 246
24 Nature Walk Jeffrey Bolognese (2020) Tracy Kaminer 249

Contributors 253
Index of Poems 259
References 269

I am grateful to all the living poets and representatives of the poets who gave permission for the translation and publication of modern sijo. I regret that it was impossible to get in touch with appropriate persons in a few cases, although every effort was made.

2022 경제학 문제로 끝내기

도서명 : 2022 경제학 문제로 끝내기
저자/출판사 : 경제경영교육연구회, 시대고시기획
쪽수 : 638쪽
출판일 : 2022-01-25
ISBN : 9791138314190
정가 : 21000

■ PART 1 미시경제학
CHAPTER 01 경제학의 기초
CHAPTER 02 수요ㆍ공급의 이론
CHAPTER 03 수요와 공급의 탄력성
CHAPTER 04 수요ㆍ공급의 응용
CHAPTER 05 한계효용이론
CHAPTER 06 무차별곡선이론
CHAPTER 07 현시선호이론
CHAPTER 08 소비자이론ㆍ기대효용
CHAPTER 09 생산이론
CHAPTER 10 비용이론
CHAPTER 11 완전경쟁시장
CHAPTER 12 독점시장
CHAPTER 13 독점적 경쟁시장
CHAPTER 14 과점시장
CHAPTER 15 게임이론
CHAPTER 16 요소시장
CHAPTER 17 소득분배이론
CHAPTER 18 일반균형이론과 후생경제학
CHAPTER 19 시장실패
CHAPTER 20 정보경제학

■ PART 2 거시경제학
CHAPTER 01 국민소득의 순환
CHAPTER 02 고전학파의 국민소득결정이론
CHAPTER 03 케인즈의 국민소득결정이론
CHAPTER 04 소비함수이론
CHAPTER 05 투자함수이론
CHAPTER 06 금융제도와 통화공급
CHAPTER 07 화폐수요와 통화정책
CHAPTER 09 재정정책과 통화정책
CHAPTER 10 총수요-총공급
CHAPTER 11 물가와 인플레이션
CHAPTER 12 노동시장과 실업
CHAPTER 13 필립스곡선이론
CHAPTER 14 고전학파와 케인즈학파
CHAPTER 15 새고전학파와 새케인즈학파
CHAPTER 16 경제안정화정책
CHAPTER 17 경기변동이론
CHAPTER 18 경제발전과 성장이론
CHAPTER 19 국제무역이론
CHAPTER 20 무역정책이론
CHAPTER 21 환율과 국제통화
CHAPTER 22 국제수지론


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