2023-10-25 13:26
저자/출판사 : 송방송,저자,글,, 지문당
쪽수 : 464쪽
출판일 : 2000-08-09
ISBN : 9788988095133
정가 : 35000
001. Foreword ...iii
002. [Korean Music and Musicology]
003. A short History of Korean Traditional Music ...3
004. Korean Traditional Music: An Introductory Guide ...39
005. Korean Musicology:Its Historical Development and Problems 63
006. Korean Traditional Music:Present State of Research ...93
007. Korean Music since Liberation:History and Source Materials
008. Korean Musicology toward the 21st Century ...119
009. [Studies in korean Music History]
010. korean Music and the Silk Road ...125
011. Koguryo Instruments in Tomb No.1 at Ch'ang-ch'uan... 137
012. The Historical Reliability of Akhak Kwebom ...161
013. The Korean Pia'a and Its Notation ...187
014. Kwangdae Musicians and Their Musical Traditions ...219
015. [Aspects of Korean Traional Music]
016. What is P'ansori? ...247
017. An Introduction to sanjo. An Intrumental Solo Music ...277
018. Sanjo versus Raga: A Preliminary Study ...295
019. Ritual Tradition of Korea ...317
020. The Etymology of Komun;go.the korean Six-Stringed Zither 333
021. Modal Structure of komun;go sanfo:An Analytical Approach 345
022. Index-Glissary ...429
023. Index-Glissary ...429
저자/출판사 : 송방송,저자,글,, 지문당
쪽수 : 464쪽
출판일 : 2000-08-09
ISBN : 9788988095133
정가 : 35000
001. Foreword ...iii
002. [Korean Music and Musicology]
003. A short History of Korean Traditional Music ...3
004. Korean Traditional Music: An Introductory Guide ...39
005. Korean Musicology:Its Historical Development and Problems 63
006. Korean Traditional Music:Present State of Research ...93
007. Korean Music since Liberation:History and Source Materials
008. Korean Musicology toward the 21st Century ...119
009. [Studies in korean Music History]
010. korean Music and the Silk Road ...125
011. Koguryo Instruments in Tomb No.1 at Ch'ang-ch'uan... 137
012. The Historical Reliability of Akhak Kwebom ...161
013. The Korean Pia'a and Its Notation ...187
014. Kwangdae Musicians and Their Musical Traditions ...219
015. [Aspects of Korean Traional Music]
016. What is P'ansori? ...247
017. An Introduction to sanjo. An Intrumental Solo Music ...277
018. Sanjo versus Raga: A Preliminary Study ...295
019. Ritual Tradition of Korea ...317
020. The Etymology of Komun;go.the korean Six-Stringed Zither 333
021. Modal Structure of komun;go sanfo:An Analytical Approach 345
022. Index-Glissary ...429
023. Index-Glissary ...429
상점이름: 마인드북
사이트주소 : http://kdgmall.kr