A Commentary on the Book of Revelation > 도서

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A Commentary on the Book of Revelation

2025-01-20 00:21 60 0


A Commentary on the Book of Revelation

도서명 : A Commentary on the Book of Revelation
저자/출판사 : 윤성노, 하움출판사
쪽수 : 326쪽
출판일 : 2020-09-15
ISBN : 9791164406845
정가 : 15000

Overview 11

Chapter 1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the seven churches, the seven spirits 16
Chapter 2. The seven churches(Ephesus, Smryna, Pergamum, and Thyatira) 47
Chapter 3. The seven Churches(Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea) 82
Chapter 4. The sight of Heaven 103
Chapter 5. A scroll sealed with seven seals 117
Chapter 6. Seals one to six 124
Chapter 7. The chapter of interposition 134
Chapter 8. The seventh seal: Trumpets one to four 148
Chapter 9. The seventh seal: trumpets five to six 156
Chapter 10. The chapter of insert: Between the sixth and seventh trumpets 166
Chapter 11. The chapter of insert: the seventh trumpet 176
Chapter 12. The chapter of insert: a male child 192
Chapter 13. The chapterof insert: the false prophet 207
Chapter 14. The chapter of insert 216
Chapter 15. The last martyr and the seven bowls 232
Chapter 16. The plagues of the seven bowls and the collapse of Babylon the great 237
Chapter 17. The punishment of the prostitute, the religious Babylon 249
Chapter 18. The collapse of material Babylon 259
Chapter 19. The wedding supper of the Lamb! The war of Armageddon 270
Chapter 20. The bounding of Satan for a thousand years, the kingdom of a thousand years, the kingdom of a thousand years, great white throne judgment 280
Chapter 21. A New Heaven and a New Earth, the New Jerusalem, the Holy City 293
Chapter 22. The river of the water of life and the tree of life 308


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