수 태 시제 개념을 잡습니다
2025-01-20 00:21
수 태 시제 개념을 잡습니다

도서명 : 수 태 시제 개념을 잡습니다
저자/출판사 : 오석태, 사람in
쪽수 : 324쪽
출판일 : 2020-09-18
ISBN : 9788960498624
정가 : 15000
Unit 1. 기초 동사
001. I have meetings in the morning.
002. He invited me at the party.
003. What do you call this?
004. He takes care of her.
005. He turned up the volume.
006. He put Harvard on hold.
007. He hired a private detective to follow her.
008. He built the richest law firm in Memphis.
009. He canceled the rest of his appointments.
010. Stress causes heart attacks.
011. It doesn't surprise me at all.
012. We must stop the war.
013. I sold one of my paintings to her.
014. You need to wash it away.
015. X-rays have shown no evidence.
016. She handed him a half-empty bottle.
017. History books kept her occupied for hours.
018. Her coat kept her well-toned body hidden.
Unit 2. 중급 동사
019. Her words irritated me.
020. Details of it do not interest me.
021. The photo amazed me.
022. I sensed an unusual nervousness in her tone.
023. You should air this room out.
024. I applied a small bandage to his forearm.
025. He switched the call to speaker.
026. They adopted her after he died.
027. He protects her.
028. She accompanied him to the benefit.
029. He encouraged her to stick with it.
030. He harassed her with unwanted sexual advances.
031. Overwhelming guilt gripped me.
032. Guilt overwhelmed me.
033. Your letter has confused me.
034. She sacked him.
035. He adjudged it to be inoperable.
Unit 3. 현재: am, are, is
036. He is impressed by her stylishness.
037. He's considered one of the hot writers.
038. He is approached by her.
039. They are both deeply affected by the breakup.
040. He is described as a pseudointellectual.
041. I'm not allowed to send an e-mail.
042. I am frustrated by the erosion of our values.
043. You're expected to pose questions of your own.
044. We are being punished.
045. My mind is made up.
046. The price is reduced from ?340 to ?120.
047. Lights are adjusted.
048. Why‘s your mobile turned off?
049. It's not to be touched.
050. The effort is marred by neurosis.
051. Temporary sales bans are being discussed.
052. Other bills are being paid online.
Unit 4. 과거: was, were, got
053. They were joined by her friends.
054. I was told that.
055. He was fired on the spot.
056. He was sent back home.
057. Everybody was embarrassed.
058. He was known by name.
059. I was seen getting out of the place.
060. He was mistaken for a reporter.
061. She was found in an upscale hotel.
062. He was rushed to the hospital.
063. He was warned about the potential for a pandemic.
064. He was arrested for defrauding his clients.
065. He was asked to testify.
066. I was given a sedative in the hospital.
067. I was offered another assignment.
068. The driver was obscured by the roof of the cart.
069. I got texted a picture from him.
070. The party was attended by notable people.
071. The party was hosted by her.
072. The scarves were neatly folded.
073. Many topics were covered.
074. Photos were taken for an ad.
075. It was written in a hurry.
076. The radio was tuned to a classical FM broadcast.
077. The steel door was unlocked.
078. He was caught cheating on his wife.
079. The company was named after him.
080. His plan was thwarted by her early return.
081. Why was his office ransacked?
082. A funeral was held in lieu of graduation.
083. It wasn't done out of malice.
Unit 5. 완료
084. Schools have been closed.
085. I have been accepted by Harvard.
086. It has been designed by a famous designer.
087. She has been influenced by her sister.
088. Nothing has been stolen.
089. The sheets haven't been changed in weeks.
090. More than 10,000 infections have been detected.
091. He has been struck and killed by a truck.
092. Serious questions have been raised about that.
093. I wonder what promises have been made.
Unit 6. 조동사와 미래 개념
094. The issues must be avoided.
095. What can be achieved by unearthing the past?
096. An attorney will be appointed to you by the court.
097. 40,000 workers would be laid off.
098. Her body would be cremated.
099. My car needs to be picked up.
100. I don't want anything written down.