PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 14: Synergy
2023-12-14 08:54
PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 14: Synergy
도서명 : PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 14: Synergy
저자/출판사 : Dux,저자,글,, 북트리
쪽수 : 56쪽
출판일 : 2022-10-19
ISBN : 9791164671168
정가 : 12000
table of contents
1. Biology
Redefining synergy with ecology _Andrew Kim
Humanitarian operation COVAX fails _Jason Lee
The Synergy of AI and Neuroscience _Kristin Cho
2. Education
Synergy in online and offline learning _Alice Kim
The Importance of Student-Teacher Relationships _Chloe Han
3. Politics
The need for synergy in a war-torn Ukraine _Grace Song
4. Society
What is the effect of team synergy? _Chris Yoon
Queer Online Synergy: How Social Media Helps LGBTQ+ Teens _Eunie Choi
How Can You Increase Synergy In the Workplace _Nancy Koo
The Importance Of Synergy _Nancy Koo
5. Sports
The importance of synergy in sports teams _Andrew Nam
Achieving synergy outside the box _Sean Koo
도서명 : PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 14: Synergy
저자/출판사 : Dux,저자,글,, 북트리
쪽수 : 56쪽
출판일 : 2022-10-19
ISBN : 9791164671168
정가 : 12000
table of contents
1. Biology
Redefining synergy with ecology _Andrew Kim
Humanitarian operation COVAX fails _Jason Lee
The Synergy of AI and Neuroscience _Kristin Cho
2. Education
Synergy in online and offline learning _Alice Kim
The Importance of Student-Teacher Relationships _Chloe Han
3. Politics
The need for synergy in a war-torn Ukraine _Grace Song
4. Society
What is the effect of team synergy? _Chris Yoon
Queer Online Synergy: How Social Media Helps LGBTQ+ Teens _Eunie Choi
How Can You Increase Synergy In the Workplace _Nancy Koo
The Importance Of Synergy _Nancy Koo
5. Sports
The importance of synergy in sports teams _Andrew Nam
Achieving synergy outside the box _Sean Koo