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완자공부력 초등 영어 영단어 4B

2023-12-05 00:46 128 0


완자공부력 초등 영어 영단어 4B

도서명 : 완자공부력 초등 영어 영단어 4B
저자/출판사 : 비상초등영어,집필진, 비상교육
쪽수 : 96쪽
출판일 : 2022-09-01
ISBN : 9791169400473
정가 : 9000

01 What is your name?
02 There is a picture.
03 It’s a roof.
04 This is a blackboard.
05 He is my uncle.
ㆍ Review 01~05

06 Where is the library?
07 It’s on the desk.
08 I don’t like ants.
09 He is a scientist.
10 Can you play the piano?
ㆍ Review 06~10

11 How much are the socks?
12 She is sleeping.
13 The wall is high.
14 It’s one thirty.
15 It’s sixty dollars.
ㆍ Review 11~15

16 She has a baby.
17 I enjoy camping.
18 It takes three minutes.
19 It’s Monday.
20 I can’t find my key.
ㆍ Review 16~20


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