엄배영 Basic Grammar 기초 영문법 > 도서

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엄배영 Basic Grammar 기초 영문법

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엄배영 Basic Grammar 기초 영문법

도서명 : 엄배영 Basic Grammar 기초 영문법
저자/출판사 : 신원경,저자,글,, 지식오름
쪽수 : 232쪽
출판일 : 2023-01-02
ISBN : 9791191292862
정가 : 25000

GUIDE 책의 구성 6
INTRO 문장성분과 품사 16
CHAPTER 01 현재에 대해서 말하기
UNIT 01 I am a singer. [ be 동사로 표현하기 ] 26
UNIT 02 She is not Korean. [be 동사 부정문 ] 28
UNIT 03 Is he tall? [ be 동사 의문문 ] 30
UNIT 04 Jane is drinking coffee. [ 현재진행형 ] 32
UNIT 05 I wear glasses. [ 일반동사 (1) ] 34
UNIT 06 My grandmother wears glasses. [ 일반동사 (2) ] 36
UNIT 07 He doesn’t work hard. [ 일반동사 부정문 ] 38
UNIT 08 Do you like pizza? [ 일반동사로 물어보기 ] 40
CHAPTER 02 과거에 대해서 말하기
UNIT 09 I was a singer. [ be 동사 과거 ] 42
UNIT 10 He worked late yesterday. [ 일반동사 과거 ] 44
UNIT 11 It was not sunny yesterday. [ 과거의 상태 묻기와 부정하기 ] 46
UNIT 12 I did not walk to work. [ 과거에 한 일에 대해 묻기와 부정하기 ] 48
UNIT 13 He was sleeping. [ 과거진행 시제 ] 50
UNIT 14 We would play basket ball. [ 과거의 불규칙한 습관 ] 52
UNIT 15 I used to wear glasses. [ 과거의 규칙적 습관 ] 54
CHAPTER 03 미래에 대해서 말하기
UNIT 16 He will come tomorrow. [ 미래시제 (1) ] 56
UNIT 17 I’m going to get married tomorrow. [ 미래시제 (2) ] 58
UNIT 18 The train is arriving in 10 minutes. [ 미래 시제 (3) ] 60
UNIT 19 I will have finished my homework by 9p.m. [ 미래 시제 (4) ] 62
CHAPTER 04 현재완료
UNIT 20 I have been sick since Monday. [ 현재완료 시제 (1) ] 64
UNIT 21 I have tried tacos. [ 현재완료 시제 (2) ] 66
UNIT 22 I have lost my passport. [ 현재완료 시제 (3) ] 68
CHAPTER 05 조동사
UNIT 23 I can ride a bike. [ can ] 70
UNIT 24 It might rain tomorrow. [ may, might ] 72
UNIT 25 Passengers must go through passport control. [ must ] 74
UNIT 26 I have to do my homework. [ have (has) to ] 76
UNIT 27 You should cut down on sweet food. [ should ] 78
UNIT 28 Would you like some coffee? [ would ] 80
UNIT 29 You should have studied harder. [ 조동사 + have p.p. ] 82
CHAPTER 06 수동태
UNIT 30 The wall was painted by Mark. [ 수동태 (1) ] 84
UNIT 31 The meeting will be held tomorrow. [ 수동태 (2) ] 86
CHAPTER 07 의문사 의문문
UNIT 32 Who is your mother? [ who 의문문 ] 88
UNIT 33 What do you do? [ what 의문문 ] 90
UNIT 34 Where is the exit? [ where, when, why 의문문 ] 92
UNIT 35 How is the weather today? [ how 의문문 ] 94
CHAPTER 08 명사와 대명사
UNIT 36 I ate an apple and a banana. [ a 와 an ] 96
UNIT 37 They fixed the car. [ the ] 98
UNIT 38 I have a lot of books. [ 복수 명사 ] 100
UNIT 39 I have a lot of money. [ 셀 수 있는 (없는) 명사 ] 102
UNIT 40 This is my brother. He is a student. [ 대명사 (주격) ] 104
UNIT 41 He loves me. [ 대명사 (목적격) ] 106
UNIT 42 This is my car. [ 대명사 (소유격) ] 108
UNIT 43 Can I borrow yours? [ 소유 나타내기 ] 110
UNIT 44 I love myself. [ ~self ] 112
CHAPTER 09 수량을 표현하기
UNIT 45 There are many people at the wedding. [ many, much, a lot of ] 114
UNIT 46 I have few books. [ (a) few / (a) little ] 116
UNIT 47 Every apple is red. [ every ] 118
UNIT 48 I ate some cookies. [ some / any ] 120
UNIT 49 There are no passengers. [ no ] 122
CHAPTER 10 동명사와 to 부정사
UNIT 50 Swimming is fun. [ 동명사 ] 124
UNIT 51 I want to buy a car. [ to 부정사 ] 126
CHAPTER 11 형용사와 부사
UNIT 52 It’s a beautiful dress. [ 형용사 ] 128
UNIT 53 She is studying quietly. [ 부사 ] 130
UNIT 54 These bags are too expensive. [ too ] 132
UNIT 55 Mark is always busy. [ always, often, never ] 134
UNIT 56 Mark is taller than Jane. [ 비교급 (1) ] 136
UNIT 57 Gold is more expensive than silver. [ 비교급 (2) ] 138
UNIT 58 I drink coffee too. [ too, neither 같은 생각 표현 (1) ] 140
UNIT 59 So am I. [ 같은 생각 표현 (2) ] 142
CHAPTER 12 전치사
UNIT 60 He arrived at the airport. [ 장소의 at, on, in ] 144
UNIT 61 Let’s meet at 8 o’clock. [ 시간의 at, on, in ] 146
UNIT 62 I made this cake for you. [ for ] 148
UNIT 63 It has been raining for 3 days. [ 시간 표현 for, during ] 150
UNIT 64 He was walking to the station. [ 전치사 to ] 152
UNIT 65 I’m with my friend. [ with (1) ] 154
UNIT 66 She’s a beautiful girl with long blonde hair. [ with (2) ] 156
UNIT 67 She was standing by the window. [ by ] 158
UNIT 68 I’ll arrive by 7o’clock. [ ~까지 by / until ] 160
CHAPTER 13 요청 / 부탁 / 권유하기
UNIT 69 Be happy. [ ~하세요 / 하지 마세요 ] 162
UNIT 70 Could I have some coffee? [ 부탁하기 / 허락 구하기 ] 164
CHAPTER 14 생활 속 영어 회화
UNIT 71 I’d like to book a room. [ 호텔 / 식당 / 항공편 예약하기 ] 166
UNIT 72 How would you like your steak? [ 식당에서 필요한 영어 ] 168
UNIT 73 It’s freezing. [ 날씨 표현 ] 170
UNIT 74 It’s quarter to six. [ 시간 말하기 ] 172
UNIT 75 Who’s calling please? [ 전화하기 ] 174
CHAPTER 15 관계대명사와 관계부사
UNIT 76 We need an employee who speaks English well. [ 관계대명사 (1) ] 176
UNIT 77 This is the book which I bought yesterday. [ 관계대명사 (2) ] 178
UNIT 78 What I saw was a cat. [ 관계대명사 (3) ] 180
UNIT 79 This is the house where I live. [ 관계부사 where ] 182
UNIT 80 Sunday is the day when the children can sleep in. [ 관계부사 when ] 184
CHAPTER 16 영어 어순
UNIT 81 I bought a book yesterday. [ 어순 (주동목) ] 186
UNIT 82 I studied hard in my room yesterday. [ 어순 (장시유) ] 188
UNIT 83 In the snow, we had a lot of fun yesterday. [ 어순 (강조하기) ] 190
CHAPTER 17 접속사
UNIT 84 We stayed at home because it was cold. [ 문장 연결하기 ] 192
UNIT 85 If it is fine, we will go on a picnic. [ if (1) ] 194
UNIT 86 If I had a lot of money, I would help you. [ if (2) ] 196
CHAPTER 18 구동사
UNIT 87 He got over his illness. [ get 구동사 ] 198
UNIT 88 This tie goes well with your dress shirt. [ go 구동사 ] 200
UNIT 89 Put on your coat. [ put 구동사 ] 202
UNIT 90 The cat is running after a butterfly. [ run 구동사 ] 204
Appendix Ⅰ 주요 불규칙 동사 208
Appendix Ⅱ 회화에 유용한 동사표현 212
Appendix Ⅲ 필수 형용사 216
Appendix Ⅳ 유용한 idioms / 회화 표현 218
Practice Answer 연습문제 정답 221


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