English for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
2025-01-20 00:21
English for Aviation Maintenance Technicians

도서명 : English for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
저자/출판사 : Carrot Language Lab, Carrot House
쪽수 : 176쪽
출판일 : 2020-08-31
ISBN : 9788967323165
정가 : 18000
Part 1. Basics on Aircraft Structure
1. General Concept of Airframe Structure
2. Basics of Aerodynamics
Part 2. More detailed features on Airframe
3. Wings
4. Fuselage
5. Empennage and Landing Gear System
6. Engine Mount and Nacelle
Part 3. More detailed features on Power Plant System
7. Propulsion system and Reciprocating Engines
8. Gas turbins and Propellers
Part 4. Aircraft System
9. Aircraft Fuel System
10. Electric, Instrument, and Utility System
Part 5. Aircraft Material & Maintenance
11. Metallic/Composite material
12. Airframe Ground Handling and Airframe Repair