Public Relations Case Studies in Korea(큰글자책) > 도서

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Public Relations Case Studies in Korea(큰글자책)

2023-01-15 08:33 1,008 0


Public Relations Case Studies in Korea(큰글자책)

도서명 : Public Relations Case Studies in Korea(큰글자책)
저자/출판사 : 원우현,유재웅,저자,글,, 커뮤니케이션북스
쪽수 : 298쪽
출판일 : 2022-12-08
ISBN : 9791128896019
정가 : 44000

Preface to the Revised Edition

Chapter 1 Introduction of Public Relations
1. Definition of Public Relations
1) What is Relationship
2) What is Public
2. Public Relations Management
3. Purpose of Public Relations
4. Communication and Public Opinion
1) Individual Orientation
2) Co-orientation Consensus
3) Tip: The Concept of Mass
5. Public Relations Process
6. Case Studies Methods
In-depth Study 1 A Comparative Analysis of the Perception of Public Relations in Chinese and South Korean Newspapers

Chapter 2 Proactive Public Relations
1. Definition of Proactive Public Relations
2. Purpose of Proactive PR
3. Role of Proactive PR
4. What Proactive PR Practitioners Do
1) Seek Feedback and Encourage Dialog
2) SWOT Analysis
3) Scanning Environment
Case 1 SBR Project: The First Driverless Transit System in Korea
Case 2 The response to massive wildfires in Goseong, Gangwon Province

Chapter 3 Employee Relations
1. Definition of Employment Relations
2. Purpose of Employment Relations
3. Roles of Public Relations
4. Keys for Effective Employee Relations
1) Trust
2) Organizational Structure
3) Internal Communication
4) Leadership
Case 3 Yuhan Kimberly: Communication with Internal Public; Sale Force
Case 4 The Baedal Minjok Crisis: Losing Sight of Original Intentions

Chapter 4 Community Relations
1. Definition of Community Relations
2. Purpose of Community Relations
3. The Roles of Public Relations in Community Relations
4. Community Program
5. Building Community Programs
In-depth Study 2 How Does the Corporate Sector Perceive Non-profit Organizations? Evidence from South Korea
Case 5 ZAYTUN Unit: Iraq Peace and Reconstruction Division
Case 6 ING: Building Brand Awareness & Creating New Awareness and New Identity to Publics

Chapter 5 Consumer Relations
1. Definition of Consumer Relations
2. Purpose of Consumer Relations
3. Roles of PR in Consumer Relations
4. Building Good Consumer Relations
1) Consumer Relations Programs
2) Dealing with Consumer’s Complaint
In-depth Study 3 Effects of Celebrity-Organization Congruence on Audience Attitudes, Preferences, and Credibility Ratings for Goodwill Ambassadors
Case 7 MISSHA: Deliver the Value to Customers
Case 8 Tire Bank: Sacrificing Customer Trust
Case 9 Namyang Dairy Products: Suffering the Consequences of a Loss of Customer Trust

Chapter 6 Media Relations
1. Definition of Media Relations
2. Purpose of Media Relations
3. Roles of PR in Media Relations
4. Guidelines for Good Media Relations
5. Guidelines for Working with the Press
6. Working with International Media
In-depth Study 4 The Samsung-Apple Patent War: Sociocultural Comparative
Study of News Frames in a Business Conflict Issue
Case 10 MORGAN STANLEY : From Unknown Foreign Speculator to Common Investment Bank
Case 11 Media Reporting on the Clash between Religious Leaders and the President over COVID-19 Prevention

Chapter 7 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
1. Definition of CSR
2. Purpose of CSR
3. The Benefits of CSR
1) Potential Benefits on Business
2) Potential Benefits on Communication
4. Similarities between Public Relations and CSR Process
5. How to Raise PR Outcome by CSR
In-depth Study 5 Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Credibility Perception and Attitude toward Luxury Brands
Case 12 The BODY SHOP
Case 13 Yuhan-Kimberly: The Huggies Wet Wipe Formaldehyde Issue and CSR




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