Fixed! 틀리고도 몰랐을 비즈니스 영어 실수 고침 사전 또는 특목고 대비 일등전략 중학 수학 2-1(2022) > NEW도서

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Fixed! 틀리고도 몰랐을 비즈니스 영어 실수 고침 사전 또는 특목고 대비 일등전략 중학 수학 2-1(2022)

2025-01-04 07:51 129 0


Fixed! 틀리고도 몰랐을 비즈니스 영어 실수 고침 사전

도서명 : Fixed! 틀리고도 몰랐을 비즈니스 영어 실수 고침 사전
저자/출판사 : Grant Sundbye , 룩룩잉글리쉬, 길벗이지톡
쪽수 : 488쪽
출판일 : 2021-10-10
ISBN : 9791165216948
정가 : 18000


전치사 실수
Preposition Mistakes
ㆍ ask to/ for/ about
ㆍ prepare/ prepare for
ㆍ share/ share with
ㆍ contact/ call to
ㆍ search/ search for
ㆍ go/ go to/ go on
ㆍ think/ think about
ㆍ check/ check on/ check with
ㆍ answer/ respond/ reply
ㆍ agree with/ to/ on/ about
ㆍ listen/ listen to
ㆍ access/ access to
ㆍ invest/ invest in
ㆍ familiar with/ to
ㆍ pay/ pay for
ㆍ grow/ grow up

관사 및 한정사 실수
Article and Determiner Mistakes
ㆍ most/ most of
ㆍ on/ in/ at for time
ㆍ for/ since
ㆍ this/ last/ next replacing
ㆍ on/ in
ㆍ a/ an
ㆍ using ‘the’
ㆍ on the Internet
ㆍ similar with/ to, different from/ than
ㆍ by/ until
ㆍ still/ until
ㆍ during/ for/ while
ㆍ another/ other/ the other
ㆍ besides/ except

유사 표현 실수 1
Word Set Mistakes 1
ㆍ take care of/ care for/care about
ㆍ wish/ hope
ㆍ similar/ same
ㆍ price/ cost/ fee
ㆍ revenue/ profit
ㆍ convenient/ comfortable
ㆍ economy/ finance
ㆍ company/ office/ industry
ㆍ believe/ believe in/ trust

유사 표현 실수 2
Word Set Mistakes 2
ㆍ fun/ funny
ㆍ hear/ listen/ understand
ㆍ say/ talk/ tell/ speak/ discuss/ debate
ㆍ toilet/ restroom/ bathroom
ㆍ trip/ travel/ tour/ journey/vacation
ㆍ remember/ remind/memory/ memorize
ㆍ lend/ loan/ borrow
ㆍ wage/ salary/ income/ paycheck
ㆍ complain/ criticize/ confront

어색한 표현
Unnatural Mistakes
ㆍ I am sorry/ I feel sorry for
ㆍ answering ‘or’ questions
ㆍ How’s your condition?
ㆍ I am (name)
ㆍ I am okay/ That’s okay/It’s okay
ㆍ Do you know ~?
ㆍ negative questions
ㆍ I don’t care
ㆍ as soon as possible
ㆍ in touch
ㆍ take a rest
ㆍ I understand well.
ㆍ I’m waiting for your response.
ㆍ have a good time

그래머 실수 파트 1
Grammar Mistakes Part 1
ㆍ comparative sentences
ㆍ I am difficult/ hard/ easy/ convenient/ inconvenient
ㆍ seem/ seem like
ㆍ passive sentences
ㆍ using intransitive verbs
ㆍ using transitive verbs
ㆍ including questions in statements
ㆍ first/ at first/ the first time
ㆍ each/ every
ㆍ all the time/ every time
ㆍ gerunds and infinitives
ㆍ adjectives involving numbers
ㆍ using size adjectives

그래머 실수 파트 2
Grammar Mistakes Part 2
ㆍ explaining frequency
ㆍ using ‘mean’
ㆍ your saying
ㆍ all/ every not/ not all/ every
ㆍ I am late for 5 minutes.
ㆍ one of (something)
ㆍ -ed/ -ing for adjectives
ㆍ ages, quantities, lengths of time
ㆍ using two words with the same function
ㆍ using intensifiers
ㆍ forgetting determiners
ㆍ talking ‘in general’

어휘 선택 실수
Word Choice Mistakes
ㆍ question
ㆍ menu
ㆍ schedule
ㆍ shocked
ㆍ cheer up
ㆍ expect
ㆍ almost
ㆍ organize
ㆍ cheap
ㆍ appointment
ㆍ fresh
ㆍ satisfied
ㆍ matter
ㆍ moment
ㆍ overwork
ㆍ promotion
ㆍ retire
ㆍ bear
ㆍ point out

숫자 관련 실수
Number Related Mistakes
ㆍ large numbers
ㆍ decimals and rounding
ㆍ percentages
ㆍ dates
ㆍ years

유용한 비즈니스 관련 어휘
Useful Business English Words
ㆍ significantly/ significant
ㆍ positively/ negatively impact
ㆍ objective/ subjective
ㆍ indefinitely
ㆍ commute
ㆍ innovation
ㆍ unfortunately
ㆍ pros and cons
ㆍ commit
ㆍ hesitant
ㆍ clarify
ㆍ mandatory
ㆍ assertive
ㆍ proactive
ㆍ stand out
ㆍ micromanage
ㆍ delegate
ㆍ maximize/ minimize
ㆍ elaborate
ㆍ opportunity
ㆍ scale up
ㆍ insight

What Now?!

특목고 대비 일등전략 중학 수학 2-1(2022)

도서명 : 특목고 대비 일등전략 중학 수학 2-1(2022)
저자/출판사 : 최용준, 천재교육
쪽수 : 300쪽
출판일 : 2022-01-01
ISBN : 9791125967385
정가 : 15000

BOOK1(중간고사 대비)
1주 유리수와 순환소수, 단항식의 계산
2주 다항식의 계산, 일차부등식
중간고사 마무리 전략

BOOK2(기말고사 대비)
1주 연립방정식
2주 일차함수
기말고사 마무리 전략


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