당신의 마음은 몇 살입니까(큰글자책) 또는 Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbine
2024-02-02 11:31
당신의 마음은 몇 살입니까(큰글자책)
도서명 : 당신의 마음은 몇 살입니까(큰글자책)
저자/출판사 : 이수경,저자,글,, 미다스북스
쪽수 : 240쪽
출판일 : 2023-11-30
ISBN : 9791169103657
정가 : 22000
1장. 세상이 믿을만한 곳이라면 좋겠어 : 어린아이의 신뢰감
* 〈인사이드 아웃〉이 명작인 이유
* 노란색 봉고버스에 처음 오른 날
* 공룡소아과와 트리케라톱스
* 삼박자에 담긴 건 커피 만이 아니다
* 케이크와 독서
* 저요 저요 저요
2장. 아이도 어른도 아니니, 뒤죽박죽은 당연하다 : 사춘기의 자아정제감
* 미실이 때문에 잠 못 이루던 밤
* 일단 엄마는 빠지시고
* MBTI가 뭐예요?
* I am who I am
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3장. 나도 누군가를 사랑할 수 있을까? : 2030의 친밀감
* 인사동에서 생긴 일
* 성숙한 사랑의 문턱, 헌신
* 빨래 끝, 숙제 끝
* 그냥 아는 사이입니다만 - 관계의 깊이
4장. 어른의 삶은 오늘도 진행 중 : 4050의 생산성
* 일기예보를 보는 이유
* 내 애 한번 키워보시던가요
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* 모국어가 예쁜 사람
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* 라라랜드여 영원하라
* 듣고 싶은 대로 듣습니다
5장. 감사로 삶을 완성해 가다 : 노년기의 완성과 초월
* 발레가 주는 교훈
* 루왁과 게이샤
* 하춘화 가출 사건
* 동네방네 신 여사
* 에릭슨의 마지막 과업
Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbine
도서명 : Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbine
저자/출판사 : Shengdong,Zhang,Xiuying,Yang,, GS인터비전
쪽수 : 360쪽
출판일 : 2024-01-04
ISBN : 9791155764312
정가 : 30000
Chapter 1. Current Situation and Future of Offshore Wind Power
1.1 The importance of foundation design
1.2 Development Status and Benefits Improvement Analysis of Offshore Wind Power in China
Chapter 2. Energy Utilization and Global Economic and Social Development
2.1 Challenges in Global Economic and Social Development
2.1.1 Climate Change
2.1.2 Energy Security
2.1.3 Environment Pollution
2.2 Worldwide Actions
2.2.1 Climate Change Mitigation
2.2.2 Energy Supply Security
2.2.3 Climate Change Mitigation
2.3 Position and Role of Wind Power
2.3.1 Improving Structure of Energy Utilization
2.3.2 Providing Employment Opportunity
2.3.3 Coping with Climate Change
Chapter 3. Overview of the Worldwide Wind Power Industry
3.1 Development of Global Wind Power
3.1.1 Global Wind Energy Resources
3.1.2 Present Status of the Global Wind Power Industry
3.1.3 Perspective
3.2 Progress in China’s Wind Power
3.2.1 China’s Wind Energy Resource
3.2.2 Present Status of China’s Wind Power Industry
3.2.3 Perspective
Chapter 4. Environmental loads on offshore wind turbine infrastructure
4.1 Wind load
4.1.1 Basic characteristics of wind
4.1.2 Momentum theory
4.1.3 Leaf element theory
4.1.4 Calculation of aerodynamic load of fan
4.2 Wave load
4.2.1 Deterministic wave theory
4.2.2 Scope of application of various deterministic wave theories
4.2.3 Random wave theory
4.2.4 Calculation of wave forces on small-scale sediment
4.3 Current load
4.3.1 Current speed
4.3.2 Current load
4.4 Sea ice load
4.4.1 Analysis of ice force average period characteristics
4.4.2 Analysis of ice force amplitude characteristics
Chapter 5. Floating system
5.1 Single-column foundation (Spar)
5.2 Semi-submersible foundation (Semi-sub)
5.3 Tension leg foundation (TLP)
Chapter 6. Pile supported the foundation
6.1 Single pile foundation(Monopile)
6.1.1 Brief introduction and structure diagram of single pile foundation
6.1.2 Scope of application of single pile foundation
6.2 Tripod foundation(Tripod)
6.3 Jacket foundation(Jacket)
6.4 Pile group cap foundation(Group pile cap foundation)
Chapter 7. Gravity foundation(Gravity Based)
7.1 Caisson foundation
7.1.1 Introduction
7.1.2 Features and functions
7.2 Bucket foundation
7.2.1 Application
7.3 Suction foundation
Chapter 8. Influence of wind load on offshore wind power foundation
8.1 Influence of wind load on single pile foundation
8.1.1 Numerical analysis of horizontal loading of monopile foundation of large-scale offshore wind turbine
8.1.2 Influence of horizontal load on bearing characteristics of single pile foundation
8.1.3 Experimental study on the effect of the typhoon on cumulative deformation of offshore wind power monopile foundation
8.2 Influence of wind load on bucket foundation
8.2.1 Influence of wind load on bucket foundation
8.2.2 Response of large-scale offshore wind torch foundation under wind load in the offshore shoal area
8.3 Influence of wind load on large-diameter steel pipe pile foundation
8.3.1 Pile soil interaction under horizontal static load and dynamic load in typhoon environment
8.4 Influence of wind load on high pile cap foundation
8.4.1 Analysis of horizontal bearing characteristics of fan pile foundation and research on measures to improve its bearing capacity
8.4.2 Numerical simulation of horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind power high pile cap foundation in radial sandbar area
Chapter 9. Influence of wave load on wind power structure foundation
9.1 Influence of wave load on horizontal deformation of wind power single pile foundation
9.1.1 Pile foundation seabed soil numerical model
9.1.2 Boundary condition
9.1.3 Establishment of numerical model
9.1.4 Response of seabed soil and horizontal displacement of pile foundation
9.2 Experimental influence of wave load on offshore wind power composite bucket foundation
9.2.1 Test Overview
9.2.2 Test content
9.2.3 Test results and analysis
9.3 Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Loads on Composite Pile Foundation with High Pile Caps for Offshore Wind Power
9.3.1 Establishment of numerical model
9.3.2 Analysis of numerical simulation results
9.4 Wave dynamic response of offshore wind turbine with a jacket under random wave action
9.4.1 Finite element model
9.4.2 modal analysis
9.4.3 Dynamic response analysis
9.4.4 Dynamic amplification factor
Chapter 10. Influence of wind, wave, current, ice cone, and other coupling or combined actions on offshore wind power foundation
10.1 Influence of wind and wave on the horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind power pile foundation
10.2 Combined action of wind, wave, and current
10.2.1 Dynamic response and bearing capacity analysis of offshore wind power foundation under wind wave current interaction
10.2.2 Analysis of jacket foundation structure characteristics under wind wave current load
10.2.3 Response of suction tube jacket considering tube soil contact under wind wave current
10.3 Wave load, wind load, and gravity load analysis theory on an environmental load of wind farm sea area
10.3.1 Establishment of numerical calculation model of offshore wind power monopile foundation under wind-wave-gravity loads
10.3.2 Analysis of numerical model calculation results of offshore wind power single pile foundation under wind-wave-gravity loads
10.4 Influence of combined action of wind, wave, ice, and current
10.4.1 Establishment of finite element model of integral structure
10.4.2 Static check
10.4.3 Dynamic response analysis
Appendix: Wind Power Software
1. Design software for deep-sea floating wind turbine
2. Turbine design, Software, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_energy_software
2.1 Pre-feasibility and feasibility analysis
2.2 Turbine design
2.3 Flow modeling
2.4 Farm modeling
2.5 Farm visualization
2.6 Farm monitoring
2.7 Prediction Software