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펄떡이는 Biz NEWS 영어

2023-01-16 07:51 798 0


펄떡이는 Biz NEWS 영어

도서명 : 펄떡이는 Biz NEWS 영어
저자/출판사 : 매일경제신문사,편집부, 매일경제신문사
쪽수 : 221쪽
출판일 : 2005-03-25
ISBN : 9788974423278
정가 : 7000


Exergaming / Ownership Society / Morning after Pills / PTSD / Interstitials / Tsunami / Disposable
/ Can of Worms / Profit Sharing Program / Crown Jewel / Mystery Shopper / Outposts of Tyranny
/ Soft Patch / Take It with a Grain of Salt / Hawks & Doves / Status Quo / WMD / Expansion of
Freedom / Mudslide / Twixter / In a Nutshell / Goldilocks / Good Cop, Bad Cop / Coup de Grace

◇ 영문뉴스 읽는 법

Sunny & Shia / Guru / Sarbanes-Oxley Act / Tobin Tax / High flyer / Baby / Chindia /
Due Diligence / Stem Cell / Contra-sexual / Mogul / BOGO Marketing / Copyleft / Greenmail /
Aging Society / Kyoto Protocol / Bird Flu / Mousetrapping / Beige Book / State of the Union Address / Lightning Rod / Incumbent / Deep Throat / Masstige / Nobless Oblige

◇ Lawyer vs The Blonde

Politically Correct / Stall / Indefinitely / Hard Line / Mompreneurs / High-end, Low-end /
Meat and Potatoes / Cookie-cutter Approach / BRICs / Measured / Cybergriping / Quid Pro Quo /
Regime Change / Twin Deficits / Phishing / Trans-fat / Interlocutor / Bombshell / Pan Out /
Take Over Bid / Microcredit / Affluenza / Vortal / BTK / Poison Pill

◇ 시사영어 따라잡기

Bear Market, Bull Market / Benign Neglect / Occidentalism / Chalk Talk / Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Honeymoon Period / Moonlighting / Lipstick Effect / to Doctor Books / Doornob Rattling /
Pull the Plug / Go Belly Up / The Bottom Line Is / Cybersleuth / Technosexual / Nailing Jelly
to a Tree / Nico-teen / Paris Club / Flip-flop / Sneaker Millionaire / Bite the Bullet /
Bury the Hatchet / Red Tape / Double-Dip / Stringer





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