PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 16: Discrimination > 도서

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PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 16: Discrimination

2023-11-24 05:31 242 0


PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 16: Discrimination

도서명 : PERSPECTIVE DUX vol 16: Discrimination
저자/출판사 : Dux,저자,글,, 북트리
쪽수 : 40쪽
출판일 : 2023-01-19
ISBN : 9791164671267
정가 : 12000

Table of Contents

1. Biology
Is Social Darwinism a Legitimate Solution to Modern Discrimination? _ Andrew Kim
The Urgent Issue Regarding Healthcare and Its System _ Nancy Koo
Monkeypox and the Resulting Homophobia _ Thomas Song

2. Education
Gender Discrimination in Education _ Hanna Yoon
SFFA v. Harvard: Inside the Fight for Fairer Admissions _ Jason Lee

3. Politics
The True Face of Humanity: Double Standards Against Refugees _ Grace Song

4. Society
Is Korea Truly a Developed Country? _ Alice Kim
Discrimination in Our Lives _ Eunice Cho
Korea’s Racist Hierarchy _ Sean Koo
Different Ways to Decrease Discriminatio _ Teryn Song


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