유희태 전공영어 영미문학 1: 영미문학개론 > 도서

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유희태 전공영어 영미문학 1: 영미문학개론

2023-11-24 05:31 160 0


유희태 전공영어 영미문학 1: 영미문학개론

도서명 : 유희태 전공영어 영미문학 1: 영미문학개론
저자/출판사 : 유희태,저자,글,, 박문각
쪽수 : 492쪽
출판일 : 2023-01-16
ISBN : 9791169870580
정가 : 30000

Part 01 문학기초이론
Phase 01 British Literary History
Chapter 01 The Renaissance Period
Chapter 02 Neo-classicism
Chapter 03 Romanticism
Chapter 04 Victorian Era
Chapter 05 Modernism

Phase 02 American Literary History
Chapter 01 19C American Literary History
Chapter 02 20C American Literary History Ⅰ
Chapter 03 20C American Literary History Ⅱ

Part 02 문학기본이론
Phase 01 Figurative Language
Chapter 01 Orientation
Chapter 02 Simile
Chapter 03 Metaphor
Chapter 04 Symbol
Chapter 05 Allegory
Chapter 06 Personification
Chapter 07 Apostrophe
Chapter 08 Synecdoche / Metonymy
Chapter 09 Paradox / Oxymoron
Chapter 10 Hyperbole
Chapter 11 Understatement
Chapter 12 Irony
Chapter 13 Allusion

Phase 02 Literary Device
Chapter 01 Imagery
Chapter 02 Alliteration / Onomatopoeia
Chapter 03 Epiphany
Chapter 04 Flashback
Chapter 05 Satire
Chapter 06 Interior Monologue
Chapter 07 Surprising Ending
Chapter 08 Story-within-a-Story

Part 03 문학심화이론
Phase 01 Literary Element
Chapter 01 Point of View
Chapter 02 Character
Chapter 03 Setting / Atmosphere
Chapter 04 Plot
Chapter 05 Theme

Phase 02 Drama / Criticism
Chapter 01 Tragedy
Chapter 02 Comedy
Chapter 03 Absurd Theatre
Chapter 04 Neo-classical / Romantic Criticism
Chapter 05 Modernist / Postmodernist / Postcolonialist

Poems for Further Reading


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